Friday, July 31, 2015

Glacier National Park - Day One

I'm behind again. I was unable to blog from the Glacier Park Lodge, because there are no 3-prong outlets in the rooms, and the internet connection was painfully slow. So I got some pictures sorted before the laptop ran out of battery, and had to leave it at that.

On Tuesday, July 28th, we headed to East Glacier from Whitefish, and there are those nasty clouds again. By the time we got moving, had breakfast, and stopped at the post office to ship some extra baggage home, it was about 11 a.m. We really didn't have all that far to go, maybe 125 miles or so, but the weather was looking pretty iffy. So much for the forecast! The clouds did make a pretty backdrop for the mountains though. Jim and Kari are leading the way, with Kari navigating from her iPhone. We had to ride around the south side of Glacier National Park on U.S. 2, because Going to the Sun Road was closed from Big Bend to St. Mary due to the fire. Fortunately, there is no bad scenery in the area :)

A little blue sky offers hope for staying dry. Unfortunately it wasn't to be. We did get into a storm a little while later. We got our rain suits on when it started sprinkling, and just in time. We got dumped on pretty well, but it was thankfully short-lived.

We arrived at Glacier Park Lodge about 2:30 and got checked in. Thank goodness they have bellhops, because this historic, rustic lodge has no elevators. No way I could have lugged my t-bag and other luggage up those stairs! My legs are sore just from going up and down a couple of times a day. I don't know how those guys do it!

Pretty gardens in front of the lodge.

 From the balcony of my room.

The little sundries shop in the lobby, taken from the inside balcony outside my room.

The lobby seating area.

This chandelier is huge!

So, once we got settled in, we decided to take a short ride to Two Medicine before dinner. The road was a little rough, but the scenery was wonderful.

A beautiful lake at Two Medicine.

It was really windy! I was having trouble staying on my feet.

Jim patiently waiting while Kari does a little shopping in the General Store.

The happy couple :)

The General Store

Headed back to the lodge.

Beautiful aspen trees.

We went into the little town of East Glacier to get fuel. This is a Blackfoot Indian, this land is part of their reservation.

A little history of Two Medicine.

So that was it for Day One at Glacier National Park. We never actually got to see any glaciers because of the fire. The only way to see them from the east side is to hike in a few miles, and none of us was really up for that :(

I was hoping to continue on with Day Two, but it's almost midnight and I'm sleepy. Hopefully I'll have a decent internet connection in my room at Lake Powell tomorrow night, and I'll be able to catch up a bit further. For now, good night, and thanks for following!

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