Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ely, Nevada to Mountain Home, Idaho

Day 13 of my adventure, and a nice ride from Ely, Nevada to Mountain Home, Idaho for another VROC rally. I took my time getting out of Ely, since I knew I only had about 340 miles to cover. I caught up the blog this morning, and didn't leave until 10 a.m. Maybe a mistake considering the weather in the area, but it was a good ride all day, until about 20 miles from my destination. Seems to be the story of my journey, dry until just before arrival.

It seems that Ely is the "big town" on the Great Basin Highway (US 93). The next gas was at Wills, Nevada, and after that at Twin Falls, Idaho. I'm sure glad I have a large gas tank on the Gold Wing! I can get 200-240 miles on a tank; my Nomad before this only got 140 on its best day. It was 125 miles from Ely to Wills, and another 125 to Twin Falls. No wonder there aren't many smaller bikes on this road.

You're probably tired of seeing the desert scenery, but I am continually fascinated by it. I don't know why I haven't been hammered by rain, but it seems the storms don't like to follow the highway. Or, I have a guardian angel :-)  I know there are plenty of prayers going up for my safe travels, so I like to believe someone is listening. The storms were all around me again, and made for some really beautiful skies over the desert.

This was on the northern edge of Ely as I left town. The clouds are back!

I see blue! This gave me great hope for a sunny day.

Well, maybe not sunny, but just not dropping any wet stuff would be good...

A long, straight road. One might think you would be bored with such a straight road, but the scenery keeps me entertained. And I get a lot of time to have a good talk with myself :-)

There was a really neat rest area out in the middle of nowhere. This was a stop on the Pony Express route. I took photos of the placards describing the establishment of the Pony Express and how it worked. Very interesting! I hope if you double click on the photos, you can read it too.


 A pretty cool rest area!

This is a marker of what once was the Lincoln Highway (the first highway system).

The dirt road behind is the Pony Express trail.

As I said, the rain was all around. I'm glad it didn't get me, but it sure was pretty to watch.

Hoping those white, puffy clouds don't turn black.

Hmmm, they're looking kind of angry.

It was clearing, so I thought I was out of the woods. Dodged the bullet for another day.

This was a little canyon on the way out of Twin Falls, Idaho. I sure didn't expect this!

A fascinating sky.

The rain finally caught up with me about 22 miles from Mountain Home, then tapered off. After I arrived at the hotel, got checked in and was ready to move my bike around to my room, it started again. That kiboshed the idea of getting to Wal Mart, so maybe I'll get that done in the morning. There are several VROCers here already, so the party has started!

I'll try to keep up the blog this time, getting behind is very time consuming. I have several errands to do in the morning, including Wal Mart, a load of laundry, the little liquor store... you know, the essentials! I'm hoping there is a local ride planned, but no one I talked to this evening was aware of anything. This is one of the "loosely planned" rallies :-) Ride, eat, drink, visit. It's always a good time!

More tomorrow (oops, I guess that's today!). I'm falling asleep again, time for lights out. Good night!

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